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Configure your editor

Some helpful settings and extensions to make game development more easier.

VS Code

🔧 1. Enable Auto Save on onFocuseChange.

Settings / User tab / Text Editor / Files / Auto Save - onFocuseChange

🔧 2. Enable Auto Reveal on File open, this is optional.

Settings / User tab / Features / Explorer / Auto Reveal - true

This means each time you open a file, the left EXPLORER panel will scroll to focus file name.

🔑 3. Setup(unlock) Python program launch button

To run Python program in our universal code editor VS Code, we'll need create a launch.json file to let vscode know where to find our Python intepreter to run python code. This step would be covered in Setup & First Game.

🔑 4. Setup(unlock) Lua program launch button

Like the Python program launch button, we also need a Lua program launch button. We achieve this by installing a VSCode called love2d-made-easy. This step would be covered in Setup & First Game.

InstallationFundamental Practice

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