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For different courses you need different tools.

For Beginner Course

Dev 2DGame with Python

To run a python game using Arcade library you need to install 3 stuff:

  • Python running enviroment
  • Arcade library
  • VSCode editor
  • Python extension for VSCode

👉 First, To install Python enviroment in Windows, check out HERE. to install Python enviroment in Mac, check out HERE

👉 Second, install Arcade library.

Open command window(Terminal in Mac), then execute this:

pip3 install arcade

👉 Last, download VSCode as your python program editor, and pick up a python plugin, you would be ready as a professional to start your coding journey.

Dev 2DGame with Lua

Using Love2D to develop 2d game is much more intuitive than using python arcade, you just need to DOWNLOAD a love2d program as an interpreter of you game code.

After that, you still need an editor VSCode to write lua code. Last but not the least, there is a very handy plugin Love2d Made Easy to facilitate the lua writing and love2d program running process, saving your lots of time.

For Advanced Course

To start with Godot game development, you just need one tool download:

For Professional Course

There are 3 courses related to professional level, the recommended learning path for this level is:

Introduction to Coumputer Science --> Game Design Patterns --> Introduction to Game Development

CS50's Introduction to Computer Science

Coming soon ...

Game Design Patterns

The web version is HERE

CS50's Introduction to Game Development

3 tools needed:

Godot Academy 🏛️Configure your editor

Godot Acadamy

A straightforward path to learn programming and game development.

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